Nearly a decade ago, visionary Australian writer/director Shane Abbess came flying out the pearly gates with his super-stylized gothic actioner Gabriel in 2007, which jet-packed the inspired young filmmaker onto the international stage and under the Hollywood spotlight. Now in 2015, Abbess unleashes his second feature Infini – a psychological space-set thriller about an elite rescue team sent to retrieve stranded soldier ‘Whit Carmichael’ (played by Daniel MacPherson) in the wake of a biological outbreak on an off-world mining facility. Check out the wicked trailer below:

Infini Trailer:



‘Infini was born of anarchy, hate & chaos’ – the self-professed ‘man who was abducted by a ginger beard’ proclaims, when detailing the genesis of his latest creation.

It was after spending several years in Hollywood on a myriad of projects stuck in development hell, that Abbess simply decided to rebel against the predictable, standardized story notions of franchise blockbusters and go with his gut on something far edgier and warped…



Infini hails from nostalgic territory, specifically in sci-fi of the late 70’s & early 80’s where films like Alien, E.T and Blade Runner were exploding onto the scene, Abbess confesses ‘it was a deranged love letter to the period’.


Writer/Director Shane Abbess Part 1:

[vimeo 124072812 w=640 h=360] No stranger to tight budgets from the Gabriel days, Abbess pushes the aesthetics even further with Infini on limited resources, whilst honing his ‘ultimate passion for unique character study’.

When it comes to directing actors, the humble Abbess champions an immersive, truthful style, abiding by the ethos that the job of a director is to simply direct, not own.

He likens the craft to ‘becoming a ghost’, whispering in the actor’s ears between takes, and gently steering the set to a level where you are just shooting behaviour, as opposed to staged scenes.


Writer/Director Shane Abbess Part 2:

[vimeo 127004250 w=640 h=360]


It’s been a long time between drinks since his much-heralded low budget debut in Gabriel, but Abbess admits he is far more willing to take even bigger risks nowadays, knowing full well the divide between success and failure undoubtedly closes in the further you push, ‘which is why it’s the best place to be’.

Infini is available for digital download from May 8.


For the film’s website go here.
For the film’s IMDB page go here.
Check out the facebook page here.
For Shane Abbess’ IMDB page go here.


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  • Stephen Black

    AMAZING FILM! You sir have made an amazing movie here. Such a welcomed surprise and so far out of the standard boom boom CGI flash bang big screen film we have become so programed to. Simply amazing. Truly a work of art. Just speechless.

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