This is the 5th time we have met up with Ryan Tarran, Stephen Murdoch and Glenn Chow. We hashed out a fight scene inspired by Universal Soldier. We shot it over two afternoons. It was defiantly a learning experience.

The first day was good but we forgot to dial in the desired camera settings regarding the shutter speed and frame rate. Halfway through shooting we remembered and changed it over. The second day was very cloudy and dark. There was so little light and once the gain was pushed up to 1600 iso the image was so fuzzy, with so little edge contrast that finding focus was really hard.

We left rather dejected and unhappy but Mitch Burkitt pulled it together in the edit and Dan Turner added some VFX and it really came together a lot better than we thought it would.

For a camera / fight test it worked out really well. It was shot with just me and no lighting or much in the way of a rehearsal.


The purpose was to learn how to shoot action scenes as well as help Ryan get onto some of the bigger upcoming projects happening here in Auz.

Our man Dan also put together a Trailer for a bit of fun. Check it out below..

Let us know what you think in the comments. We are going to keep doing more and getting better as we go 🙂


*Update* Ryan, Steve and Glenn got stunt work on the Hobbit over in New Zealand because of our little shoot. Congratulations guys!


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  • […] how to shoot action. It was a big learning experience in many ways. You can read a bit about it here and here, you can also check out the finished fight scene we did […]

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