Cinematographer Simon Morris has just completed a campaign for Qantas that has seen him traveling around Australia. Shooting with Director, and brother, Toby Morris, on the RED Epic. They have been keeping light and staying fast moving for much of the shoot, then making good use of a additional crew when the situation called for it. We talk to Simon Morris on his latest shoot, what it means to be a Cinematographer, and lighting his award winning Tropfest short.

Simon Morris is the Cinematographer behind the 2012 Tropfest finalist My constellation, which won him a Silver ACS Cinematography award for. You can see the interview with the director and Simons’ brother, Toby Morris, here.

Simon has traveled up through the ranks of the camera department. With so many people grabbing a camera and jumping into shooting these days its great to see the benefits and discipline of the more traditional process on show in both Simons’ attitude and his work.

He has worked on a range or productions from commercials and drama to feature length documentaries. He is very humble about his ability and how fast he has gotten to the point he is at now but it is certain from our point of view that Simon will be continuing to make a big impact as his career progresses.

Simon was recently at the Adelade Film Festival with his film ‘Tender’, a Documentary feature that premiered at the festival and will be screening on ABC1 early next year.


Cinematographer Simon Morris


My Constellation

My Constellation won the ACS Cinematography award in 2012. It was shot on the RED One with the MX chip. The crew traveled around Australia to get the landscapes and locations they wanted for the shoot. The lighting kit was often only a few Dedo Lights and a KinoFlo. Cinematographer Simon Morris talks lighting some of the key scenes. Take a look at the film Below then have a listen to Simon as he walks through some of the setups.

Simon Morris on his lighting setups:

Simons’ Tips For Film Makers

 Simon’s Show Reel:

More Info!

You can find Simon’s website here & His IMDB page here.

Have any questions or comments for Simon, let us know below and we will hit him up for some more info!

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